If you need sales info or technical support please reach out to us:
Call: 888-882-4480
Email: Mark Schreiber -
Call: 205-434-4444
Email: Tech Support -
The Team:
Brad Riegel - President -
Mark Schreiber - VP/GM -
Geno Pearson - Product Manager -
Cornerstone Research is the team behind two more of radio's most-used software programs,
XTrends and
XTrends is radio’s favorite PPM and Diary ratings analysis tool. Every major group uses XTrends, most of them group-wide, including iHeartMedia, Entercom, Cumulus, Univision, Hubbard, Bonneville, and many others.
Analyst is radio's premier
delivery vehicle for music research data. If you do callout, online or AMT testing, odds are you've used it,
as many of today's top researchers provide their music test data in Analyst.